Innobonos 2020

Innobonos 2020: Grants in Innovation

What is an Innobono?

The Innovation Vouchers Program (INNOBONOS) aims to develop a program to support innovation and entrepreneurship through small grants.

What do they subsidize?

These "Innovation Vouchers" will subsidize various services, including:

  • Implementation of business management solutions (CRM, ERP)
  • Development of online strategy in the company (e-commerce, digital marketing, development, and implementation of mobile applications)
  • Knowledge transfer
  • Consulting in R&D&I Management
  • Advice for preparing budgets for R&D&I projects for national or international calls
  • Incorporation of innovative ICT technologies into the company (3D printing, Big Data, Cloud computing, Internet of Things, cybersecurity, virtual, augmented, mixed, or extended reality applications)
  • Industry 4.0

The grant

This is a program in which the subsidy payment will be made upon justification by the beneficiary or the supplier, as the case may be, through a justificative account with the contribution of expense receipts.

The amount of the grants will have a maximum of 70% of the eligible cost of the service, with a maximum of €20,000.00, except for the services listed for which the maximum subsidized cost will be:

  • Service 2.1: maximum subsidized cost 12000,00€
  • Service 2.2: maximum subsidized cost 12.000,00€

In case the expense finally justified is less than planned, the amount of the granted subsidy will be maintained as long as it does not exceed the maximum established percentage.

Who can apply for these grants?

Companies validly constituted and self-employed professionals operating in the territorial scope of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands can benefit from the grants regulated by the call bases.

Beneficiaries' conditions:

Beneficiaries must fulfill the obligations set out in Article 14 of the General Subsidies Law.

Companies applying for these grants must consider that they can opt for them as long as they do not exceed the maximum amount of €200,000.00 counted over a period of three fiscal years given the de minimis nature of this aid scheme.

Who is exempt?

The following cannot obtain the status of beneficiary:

Natural or legal persons who, in turn, appear as service providers in the Innovation Vouchers Program.

Entities or natural persons in whom any of the circumstances listed in Article 13 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies, occur.

Application submission deadline

For the year 2020, there are two concession procedures with the following characteristics:

First procedure:

  • Application submission period from 9:00 am on September 5, 2019, to September 19, 2019.
  • Maximum amount to be granted 100.000€

Second procedure:

Application submission period from December 1 to December 15, 2019.

Maximum amount to be granted: 100.000€, which may be increased, if applicable, with credits not used in the first procedure.

Execution and justification deadlines

Activities can start from January 1, 2020.

The execution and justification will be 90 calendar days, counted from the date of acceptance of the grant.

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